Maria Charity Foundation
This charity was created not just to help individuals out of poverty but to help them reach the highest way of life

20million a year
own 0.1% of Social media app, and 0.1% of Thempire

- Rent, groceries, car gas, heat, gift cards, mortgage...
- Anyone that has been in jail or prison for more than 6 months gets 300$ every week for 1 year
- Any family that lost their love ones due to violence in the last 10 years gets one time payment of 400k

How to qualify?
- Must live in lynn
- Must hold a Maria membership card
- We can't expand to others city until Lynn can prove that this system works

People will move to lynn just to get benefits, that will cause Market crash, and we will keep getting more homeless people along the way

This is why you must be qualified to participate in Maria's program

DeBrito LLC

DeBrito LLC
Budget To buy houses (not part of Maria charity)
20million (see if your location qualifies)
Price 50% above the current market

Debrito LLC will allocate funds to support local businesses,
however at this moment i am unable to create a plan.

- Build 10 gyms free access
- A 6 store high building called "Gangsters paradise (it has restaurant, swimming pool, gaming room, pool table, club, bar...) all free with free thempire membership as long you agree to go through metal detectors(union street)
- Build a restaurant and an indoor swimming pool at broadway street pond.

DeBrito LLC
- Bodyguard Company is hiring
20 People needed

DeBrito LLC
LynnWood 10 million USD offer
Golf course 1million