Social media App
Phase 2 is Open


45% 5Billion$ (final price)
(Escrow Account - holding 5%)

- Ads Revenue
- Investors will get paid every Quarter

To run the app shareholders must hold 51% or more.
Jeff Bezos 40%

- Social media App is missing a Log in page, feed page and profile page.
- Feed page will have content from people you follow, ads, and contents from people in your rank (you can choose a minimum of 10 people content feed and maximum of 20 people content feed (to show in your feed)).
- Everyone will have a category and a rank. (ex: celebrity list A,B,C,D)
List A 100People
List B 200People
List C 400 People
List D 500 People
List E 1000 People (entry level)
(Every country has its own National A,B,C,D,E list, However there is only 1 international A,B,C,D,E list )
Your account is limited by list or rank, if you get demoted to a lower rank you will loose your previous account perks.

The way that i will get people to sign up to my app is by promoting the app on my artist music videos, events,
online shows, on my tv channel... I'm not thinking about paying for pay oper click ads at all.
Imagine all of my artists only using only my app instead of using others social media apps, how fast do you think we will grow.
There is a reason why i'm paying them a signing bonus.
Artists don't make any money on social media.
We will add our own cryptocurrency in the app, but this feature will be added after the app realease.

- App Mobile design Delayed

Video App
Phase 2
phase 3 tba45% worth 2.5Billion (final price)
(Escrow Account - holding 5%)

To run the app shareholders must hold 51% or more.

- Ads Revenue
- Investors will get paid every Quarter

Jeff Bezos 40%

Record Label, Streaming service, NFT Music


45% worth 2billion$ (Final Price)
(Escrow Account - holding 5%)

(Tron Wallet 5%)
If Tron wallet sees any market manipulation it will notify Escrow account.

Minimum Entry Buy-in is 3%
Jeff Bezos 40%

- music academy
- Artists...

(Poprworld, 0popnews, )45% worth 10million$
(Escrow Account - holding 5%)

To run the app shareholders must hold 51% or more.
Jeff Bezos 40%